Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Tests were returned today and classes had a chance to review questions they missed; you will see them again in a month or so on your cumulative exam.
Don't be let down if your grade on this test was low and you studied hard.  A C or D on this test was no fluke; there were maybe 1-2 questions that could be answered easily by anyone with a little science knowledge; the rest were HARD, some with eight options, and you had to UNDERSTAND the content fully to answer them, plus we are still learning about significant figures and that caused struggle for some folks.
Celebrate the answers you got correct; I'm proud of you for getting those correct.
Find out why you missed the ones you did, relate to what you know and understand, and don't miss them next time!

Today's notes here

HMWK due next class (tomorrow in this case):  READ p. 517-522; p. 522#1-7 AND p. 886#181-185

New Optional Assignment:  Research the Ozone layer (what it is) and processes involved with it (how it forms, what breaks it down, what it does for us) and present to class no later than next Wednesday (some classes, due to our schedule, will be on Monday or Tuesday)

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