Monday, March 12, 2012

Magnetism review/quiz, HMWK- next unit: E in atmosphere

New optional assignment.  Due 3-23: Faraday&Magnetism

Another optional assignment.  Due 3-23: Greenhouse Effect

Due Wednesday: Read 518-522; p. 522#1-7
Today classes turned in weekend homework, we discussed answers, and had a quiz on Magnetism - much of the content came from in-class experiences and lab activities, but could be understood from notes and reading the book as well for background as to why things acted as they did.
We also had time in some classes to discuss graph types (still a problem for ~50% of my students in labs) and the rules I proposed follow below.
Our next unit is Meteorology: a study of Energy in the Atmosphere - we'll use many of our understandings of energy in other aspects to analyze and hopefully understand processes that control the fluid we live in.

Graphing reminder:
Bar graphs: used for comparison between non-numerical groups.  There are no numbers on the x-axis for this type of graph.

Line graphs / Scatter plots:  Used for showing a relationship between different variables.  Quantities, time, temperatures, etc. may be among the things that arrive on the X- axis, but these have one thing in common: There are numbers on the X-axis, and these numbers mean something - the data can potentially be turned into a line of best fit and a slope.  Someone told many of you to use line graphs when time was used on the x-axis.  This is usually true but it obviously isn't the only case!
We'll work through examples Wednesday and Thursday this week.

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