Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Midterm Monday

Today we watched a video to kick-off our interest and study in air resistance; if you want to watch the rest let me know and I would be happy to loan it out. 
We also discussed answers to homework and full credit was given to anyone needing to correct their answers.  Grades are posted now. 

Finally, we discussed ways to study:  I started with some techniques that I have employed in the past and we will look at others in the future:
1. re-write or explain your notes:  use a separate journal and re-write (not just copy) notes from class.  Rephrase in words that are yours; if you can't do this, the concept is either really simple and hard to reword, or you need help understanding it.
2. use flash cards - vocabulary terms are unlikely to bring you huge points in this class by themselves, but if you don't know the vocabulary inside and out, you will have little to no chance on the concept questions that use these terms.  Use the chapters in your book as a guide; they highlight new vocabulary in the beginning of each section and highlight the terms in the text. 
3. Work practice problems.  These don't have to come from some mystical location; you've had lots of homework that's on-topic this semester.  Look back at section review questions in your text, and if you can't find your graded or corrected homework, ask a friend or come see me to look at my answer key in my text.  Chances are that you'll need a bit of review in the text or your notes to answer some of those problems.
4. Quiz yourself - make use of the online student resources from your textbook - you don't need an access code!  See the front or inside cover of your text - it has "" written all over it for a reason.  Scroll down to the "chapter activities" and select any of the links.. choose a chapter (1, 3, or 4) from the menu at the left, and try out:
-Chapter Review Quizzes
-Vocabulary eFlashcards
-Look at the bottom left menu and select different sections within the chapter to try out specific section/unit quizzes.

Tomorrow we'll be playing a competitive review game for a chance at a few bonus points.  I will be grouping you against others who I think will be good competition.  Should be fun!

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