Monday, January 3, 2011

Optional Assignment: Energy Resource Conservation

Here are some options to boost your grade; you may elect to use them for this semester (fall) or next semester.

Option#1: work through the survey at : and when you complete it, either print out the last page that shows you how many Earths we would need if everyone lived as you do, or save a screen-shot image (if you know how) and email it to me.

Option#2: set up a persuasive presentation to get your parents to change some aspect of you resource/energy usage for the better. 3 things for you to accomplish this:
1. list of ideas (feel free to peruse)
2. presentation prep sheet
3. scoring guide sheet (parents)

Turn #2 and #3 in to me and you will receive not only points in the gradebook, but also a FREE CFL! (swirly lightbulb)
If you want to purchase light bulbs from me, bring 50 cents to class this week!

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