Thursday, February 26, 2015

Learning to STUDY, Power Notes, BONUS points next Wed

Notes: Electric POWER

Today I was supposed to give the classes answers to any of the problems they tried out on p. 418-419.  I found that (almost) NO ONE DID IT.
(I did have a couple of people who did, and guess what?   They have been the kids setting the curves on past tests!  Go figure!)

SO....  much of class today for most classes was spent working on stuff that you could have done at home, with the textbooks, while your teacher is getting paid for nothing.

PLEASE!!! Before each test in this class, I always recommend chapter review problems.  I have the ANSWER KEY (Teacher's edition of textbook) ALWAYS AVAILABLE IN CLASS, ADVISORY, AND BEFORE SCHOOL.
You are welcome to check homework answers (that's part of why I give you two days for homework), ask me for guidance if you got answers wrong, and also check your answers to the chapter review.   As this is an HONORS COURSE, I should not have to force you to study; I provide the resources and guidance for you.

This carries through for the rest of the year; work the practice problems, and come in to check your answers.  You may be the next person setting the high score on an exam.

By the way, p. 420-421 would also be great practice for tomorrow's quiz and our exam that we'll have (Later) at the end of the electromagnetism unit.

Bonus Opportunity:  FoxElementarySchool Science Club next Wednesday (3/4) needs volunteers to help little fingers build circuits.  I will be taking the first 25 people who can commit.
Meet at FHS 3:15 and head up to FES w/ Freeman
Stay until 4:45, leave from FES.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Last week's quiz, Study HMWK, Quiz Friday

This week we worked on our Ohm's Law Lab.  Lots of great experiments happening from different groups!

Last week's quiz had several different versions.  See them all and study them to prepare for future tests here.

HMWK:  Review section for this chapter; p. 418-419, answers will be given to you on Thursday.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Ohm's Law, HMWK due Tuesday 2/24, 2 optional assignments

Ohm's Law Lab instructions can be found here.  We did some preliminary work today but will work on the lab mostly Monday, perhaps Tues. too.
The make-up lab for anyone missing those days is here.

Ohm's Law Optional Assignment (online simulation)  Due by March 6th.

HMWK due Tuesday, 2/24:
Read p. 406-413.  p. 411#1-3, p. 413#1-8
Please follow Significant Figures rules; your next quiz will assess these important (but well-hated) rounding skills!

Notes on Ohm's Law for next week

ELECTRIC POWER optional assignment Due by March 6th.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Electricity! Optional Assignments, HMWK due Friday

Notes: Circuits

Sims to experiment with class on Thursday:
John Travoltage
Build an Atom -  click on "show stable/unstable" and try to build various neutral, charged, stable, and unstable atoms.  See if you can find out what the word "ion" means.
Balloons Static Electricity Optional Assignment
Due 2/27
This last one won't work on Chromebooks but will work at home and is more of a game:
Electric Field Hockey Optional Assignment
Due 2/27

HMWK due Friday: Read p. 392-399, including the page on lightning.  
 p. 399# 1-7  Use Sig Figs properly.

Last week we tried looking at some topics in Astronomy in a different way to cover lost ground based on test results.  We also started experimenting with concepts such as electric charge and induction.  (electrostatics notes in last post).
Today in class we worked with a Wimshurst Electrostatic Generator and a Van de Graaf Electrostatic Generator and saw some extreme examples of induced charge with tens to hundreds of thousands of volts.

Wednesday we'll finish demonstrations with electrostatic induction and go over homework that was turned in on Monday.  Mrs. Greene, the Honors Chemistry I teacher, will also stop by to go over your work on the algebra skills pre-test answers and to share details about Honors Chemistry with you.  If you have any questions, we will have a visit on either Thursday or Friday from some past students who will be candid with you about their experience.

Thursday we'll set our sights on a new beast; adding to voltage - Current and Resistance in circuits.

Friday you can count on a quiz over concepts and perhaps a tiny bit of math... with sig figs tested.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New HMWK for Friday, new Optional Assignment: MOON

Moon observation Optional Assignment

HMWK due Friday:
Read p. 578-585
(looking at structure of the atom to prepare for our Electricity unit.)
Notes: Electrostatics