Monday, February 28, 2011


Tonight: Read p. 430-437. Quiz eminent; be studying every night.
Tomorrow: electromagnet experimentation lab - major points - be focused and serious with it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today in class:
-went over exam and copied down questions/answers to study for cumulative exam
-Magnetism pre-assessment (5 questions, not for points)
-Worked with compasses - compasses are small magnets that are free to rotate; they line up with external magnetic fields. Typically this is the Earth's field. We all know that opposite poles attract and like poles repel from elementary Science, so what does this mean about the Earth's magnetic field? If the compass's north pole points northward, then its south pole points southward... This means that its north is attracted to North on the Earth!!???!!?? Well, yes. Earth's Geographic North pole is actually its South Magnetic pole. (it's off by a bit, but it's in Canada) Our South Geographic is, you guessed it, North Magnetic.
So Santa Claus actually lives at the South Magnetic pole. Who knew?
-Magnetic materials (preview) - looked at wire (copper) vs. alligator clips (steel) and saw that copper did not affect compass, but steel did. More on this later.
-Magnetic field in current carrying wire - we experimented with current in a wire that's held near a compass - we were able to see that the needle deflected different amounts depending on the amount of current and its orientation relative to the compass, then we tried reversing the direction of current and found that the compass needle moved the other direction. We'll learn how to predict this tomorrow.

Tonight's homework: READ p. 424-430

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Today in class: Video covering electrical concepts, history of electricity study and inventions, and AC vs DC.
Notes: Alternating and Direct current here

READ p. 442-444
READ p. 407-413
p. 413# 1-8
Due Thursday.

Exam Friday

Recommended but not taken for a grade:
Chapter review; p. 418#1-23
If you do this, you may check your answers in my answer key on Thursday or Friday, before school, after, and even during class if you ask before the bell rings.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Exam pushed to Friday

Today in class we did a mini-assessment of come of the concepts involved in this unit; resistance, ohm's law, and induction.
Depending on how you did, you will be split up on Thursday to either review or extend.
Tomorrow we'll discuss alternating and direct current, then watch a video to help review and give some history/details on AC and DC.
Tomorrow's homework: Read p.442, 444 and p. 407-413. P. 413#1-8 Due Thursday.

Recommended but not optional: p. 418-419, #1-23 My answer key will be available for you to check your answers all day on Thursday if you do some/all of these problems.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Tonight's homework: Use the equation P = I * V to find the current (amps) of 5 household items. Show your work. If you have a device which shows amps, use the equation to solve for power.
Today in class: Electricity TGT (get a copy to study here)
Finish labs (make sure they're complete) <-- due tomorrow if not turned in today.
EXAM THURSDAY - Start studying.
Lab sheets / lab makeups (people who were absent) here

Friday, February 11, 2011

Electricity Exam Thursday

Start studying; we will test over electricity (electrostatics through current) this Thursday.

Your weekend homework is just to finish your post-lab questions from today's Ohm's Law Lab.
Please make sure you:
Update your table of contents.
Title your lab, use page #.
Write in pen.
Complete all your sketches properly.
Answer all questions fully; the post-lab questions should be your own (some should be different from even your lab partners) and should be answered to the best of your ability. These are approximately 50% of your points for this lab.
I will collect lab books for those of you who are finished on Monday; all others on Tuesday.

Next week is shaping up as:
Monday - T/G/T review game - this will give you a heads-up if you are missing lots of concepts and you can study extra!
Tuesday - Stations Lab involving alternating current and direct current, plus notes on Electric Power (Power = Voltage x Current) ; measured in Watts. Your electric bill comes in Kilowatt - Hours; we'll discuss this unit.
Wednesday - practice involving electric power, notes/discussion regarding grounding/electrocution. Maybe some fun demonstrations with volunteer/victims. :)

Thursday - Exam.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2-9 in class

Today's warm-up questions:
Flow of electric charge is: __________ (electric current)
A Hot wire has _________ resistance than a cold wire. (higher)

Demonstrations - series vs. parallel with big light bulbs

Notes: Drawing series and parallel circuits, short circuits.

Practice using Ammeters to measure current in series and parallel circuits

Homework: Ohm's Law Practice WS - Due Friday.

Enjoy your afternoon off!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ohm's Law Simulation

link to assignment on GoogleDocs

Turn in by Friday in class, or by Sunday if submitting online.

Tomorrow (2/8 - Wednesday) we will:

Turn in last night's homework

Draw series and parallel circuits and discuss their differences

Finish looking at 25W/300W light bulbs in series/parallel

Learn to use ammeter function of a multimeter

Start Ohm's Law Lab

Get homework (due Friday) regarding Ohm's Law.

Hopefully discuss answers to homework turned in today - if not, tomorrow.


Today in class we played with some simple electrical circuits - working with 1.5V batteries and Christmas tree lights. Most students were able to see the effect of changing voltage on bulb brightness as well as changing the arrangement/number of light bulbs on brightness.
The relationship we were exploring is known as Ohm's Law - how voltage, resistance, and current all relate in a circuit. Notes on Ohm's Law from today can be found here.
Tonight's homework:
P. 405#1-7 (compare only on #4) - you should have already completed the reading on this material, plus today's activity/notes should help out.
P. 884#138-140 (I messed up and wrote 141 in hours 1-3 - oops!)

Tomorrow we'll continue with more notes and hands-on using series and parallel circuits, go over the homework problems, and learn to use Ammeters (measuring current)

Monday, February 7, 2011

We're back!

Check previous posts if you are interested in any Snow Day work - due tomorrow, since some of you did not know of them until today.

Cool 1 minute video regarding the phases of the International Space Station:

Today in class we worked some (hard) ranking tasks to get back into the swing of things regarding charges and electricity.
Tomorrow we'll be off to use Ohm's law - through some trial and error hands-on as well as some paper-pencil calculations.
Tomorrow's homework will be a worksheet of some sort - I will post it up on here tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow/Sleet/Cold Assignment (#2)

Sorry about the late timing for today:
Run this simulation. The objective is to move the puck into the goal, in case you've never seen hockey. The interesting thing here is that the puck has a positive charge, and you place "players" on the field as positive and negative charges. Select at least Difficulty 1, and when ready, hit "start", and if you're unsuccessful, hit "reset" and move/add players.
To receive points, I need to see a copy of the screen that says "Goal!" To do this:
hit the "print screen" button on your keycboard.
Open up Microsoft Paint (or other similar program for Macs)
Save file and email to me at OR print out and bring to me on (Thursday or Friday???)

Points for this assignment will vary, but I expect at a minimum for you to complete this on difficulty level 1.
If you can complete this on level 2 or 3, bonus points will be awarded.
If you can complete this using only positive OR negative charges, bonus points will be awarded.
Enjoy sleeping in tomorrow!